Business | |
| Students show off savvy in stock simulation game |
| INTERNET/TECHNOLOGY Orbitz faces Justice probe |
| Finance sites help black investors |
| TECH TIPS Dell Computer's service slipping |
| WWW.WHAT? Web tips of the week |
| 60 SECONDS ON BUSINESS Conflict resolution a must-have skill |
| NATION/WORLD BUSINESS China keeps trade tradition alive with biannual fairs |
| Coming Events |
| Trade Winds |
Opinion | |
| EDITORIALS Sex offender law is better but untested |
| There are no tears for demise of the van cam |
| Letters to the Editor |
| COUNTERPOINT What campaign reform? |
| ISLAND VOICES Honolulu is sound fiscally |
Military Briefing | |
| Tripler adds biohazard lab |
| New film tells tale of MIS |
| Briefs |
| MILITARY UPDATE Uniform formulary's co-payment structure three-tiered |