Recent dry spell worries Kaua'i fire officials
By Christie Wilson
Advertiser Neighbor Island Editor
Dry conditions and a high number of recent brushfires have Kaua'i officials worried as the New Year's weekend approaches.
Firefighters have responded to 15 brushfires this month. Six of the fires occurred this week, including one Sunday that resulted in the death of a helicopter pilot hired to drop water on flames in Kapaia Valley. Pilot Jonathan D'Attilio, 21, of Inter-Island Helicopters, suffered fatal injuries when his helicopter dropped into De Mello Reservoir on Christmas Day. The fire he was fighting burned three to five acres and forced the evacuation of elderly residents at the Sun Village condominium.
In December 2004, no brushfires were reported.
"The amount of brushfires we've had lately greatly concerns me, especially because we're having a dry spell right now," said Fire Chief Robert Westerman. "It wouldn't take much for a fire to spread rapidly given the current conditions."
Two fires within the past two months spread after propane torches were used to burn weeds.
Westerman advised residents who live next to open grassy areas to create a buffer by trimming the vegetation bordering their properties. Using fire to eliminate weeds, and other forms of open burning, are bad ideas, he added.
Although fireworks haven't been blamed for any of the recent fires, Westerman said he's still worried. Heavy rains helped reduce the risk last New Year's, when no fires were reported. The previous year, there was only one fireworks-related blaze.
But recent rainfall levels are well below normal, and it hasn't rained on Kaua'i since Dec. 13, according to National Weather Service data. It doesn't look like wet weather will be around this weekend to keep fires in check, although there is a slight chance of some showers.
For more information, call the Fire Prevention Bureau at (808) 241-6511.
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