Raise office profile to gain promotion
By Marie G. McIntyre, Ph.D.
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Q. I can't seem to get promoted, even though I am well qualified. My performance evaluations are very good, and I have received numerous awards.
Promotional opportunities are posted so that anyone can apply, but the "winning" applicant always seems to have been selected in advance.
Obviously, politics plays a great part in these selections, and I am not a political person.
I have spent too many years here to bail out now, but I am at the top of my pay scale and feel trapped. It's hard to stay motivated when you can't get ahead. Any suggestions? — Burned Out
A. If you've been passively waiting for the higher-ups to notice your outstanding qualifications, then that strategy obviously isn't working. People who quietly hope to be discovered often wait a long, long time.
To increase your chances of moving up, start thinking strategically about how to get considered. Which managers will be selecting people for the jobs you want? Do they know who you are? Are they aware of your qualifications and your interest?
If your answer to these questions is "no," then you need to raise your profile, talk about your goals, and communicate your credentials.