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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New quarterly celebrates Hawaii produce

 •  Celebration!

Advertiser Staff

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Hawaii news photo - The Honolulu Advertiser
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The buy local/eat local movement in food has another visible component: edible Hawaiian Islands, a new quarterly magazine "Celebrating the Harvest of the Aloha State, Season by Season." Well-researched articles and almost-edible photography focus on homegrown and home-gathered foods, the people who grow and harvest them, chefs and restaurants, and sustainability issues. Editor Gloria Cohen of Kaua'i is a former hotelier, a jewelry designer and a passionate traveler who enjoys food and cooking.

The second issue, Fall 2007, is available at Borders Books & Music Stores, Times Super Markets (in the organic produce department) and Fujioka's. Subscriptions (4 issues, $28): 808-828-1559; P.O. Box 753, Kilauea, HI 96754; The magazine is part of a family of publications from edible communities (; for $45, you can subscribe to three of 30 magazines from around the country.



If Santa left a little spending money for you cookbook collectors, two books to consider:

  • "Hale'iwa Flavor, Lili'uokalani Style," a recipe collection by members and friends of the Lili'uokalani Protestant Church, will be released early next month ($12.50, plus $5 shipping and handling or pick up at church, 66-090 Kamehameha Highway); call the church, 637-9364.

  • Hawai'i's Plantation Village in Waipahu has reprinted its 1985 15th anniversary cookbook. The book contains more than 125 recipes from the Islands' many different cultures. The book is $15 at the Village gift shop; 677-0110.

    Make a difference. Donate to The Advertiser Christmas Fund.