Proposals by budding filmmakers accepted
Advertiser Staff
Pacific Islanders in Communications is continuing its annual Media Fund Open Call for proposals from constituents of the Pacific Islander filmmaking community for public television projects at the research and development, production or completion stage through Friday.
More than $200,000 in funding will be awarded to independent producers or entities producing television, film or video programming that tells authentic stories about the Pacific and what it means to be a Pacific Islander. Several awards of up to $15,000 will be awarded to projects in the research and development stage, while larger awards of up to $50,000 are available to those in the production and completion stages.
Effective proposals will include: a compelling story, concept or treatment; great storytelling; a good hook; an experienced production team; a reasonable, factual budget; and a solid sample video.
"Both of my films, 'American Aloha: Hula Beyond Hawaii' and 'Na Kamalei: The Men of Hula,' would not have been possible without production funding from Pacific Islanders in Communications," said Lisette Marie Flanary, a past recipient of funding from PIC, in a statement. "Beyond the financial support for my documentaries, PIC is integral in assisting with outreach, education, and community engagement for public television audiences which make a broadcast truly successful."
Applicants must be at least 18 and be citizens or legal residents of the U.S. or its territories. All applications must be received no later than Friday.
For more information or an application, go to or contact Shane Seggar at 591-0059 or