Community calendar
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DEFENDING OKINAWA'S OFFSHORE ENVIRONMENT, lecture by Pete Shimazaki Doktor on a current campaign to defend Okinawa's offshore environment near Henoko and concerns surrounding the attempts to demilitarize Okinawa, 11:40 a.m., Kapi'olani Community College, Olona 201; free.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Pearl City, 6:30 p.m., Highlands Intermediate School cafeteria.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Hawai'i Kai, 7 p.m., Haha'ione Elementary School cafeteria.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Ala Moana/Kaka'ako, 7 p.m., Makiki Christian Church.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, North Shore, 7 p.m., Hale'iwa Ali'i Beach Park, John Kalili Surf Center.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale, 7 p.m., Kapolei High School cafeteria.
RECESS: Mililani/Waipi'o/Melamanu Neighborhood Board will not meet this month.
WHAT'S UP IN THE UNIVERSE? University of Hawai'i-Manoa, Institute for Astronomy film/discussion 7:30 p.m., 2680 Woodlawn Drive; a film about the human need to explore, featuring Nainoa Thompson of the Polynesian Voyaging Society, extrasolar planet hunter Geoffrey Marcy and other scientists; discussion to follow; co-sponsored by U.H.I.A. and PBS Hawai'i; funded by National Science Foundation; free. 956-8312.
LEGAL LINE HOTLINE. Call 6-7 p.m. to speak with an attorney at no charge: 537-1868; call 537-9140 for free referrals (; sponsored by Hawaii State Bar Association.
WINDWARD SELF-HELP GROUP for people with multiple sclerosis and their families, 6 to 7:30 p.m., St. John Vianney Parish community office building, 920 Keolu Drive, Kailua. 532-0811.
TODAY'S KUPUNA, issues of interest to senior citizens and their families, 7 p.m. every Wednesday, 'Olelo Community Television, Channel 52 and 6-7 a.m. Sundays, Radio 5.6 FM or 2.3 AM; featured this week, "Funeral Consumer Alliance Hawaii" with Sarah Robinson. 946-3888.
SCRABBLE CLUB, all levels welcome, 7 p.m. weekly, Kahala Mall, at the fountain.
SECURING HEALTH WITHOUT HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS, lecture by Vaidya Mohandas on the Maharishi Vedic Approach to health, 7 p.m., Buddhist Study Center, 1436 University Ave.; practical self-help measures based on Vedic understanding; demonstration of pulse diagnosis; free; call to reserve a spot. 947-2266.
NUUANU TOASTMASTERS meeting, 6 to 7 p.m., American Cancer Society headquarters, 2370 Nu'uanu Ave.; free parking; improve your public speaking skills; guests welcome. 455-8747.
ADDICTION EDUCATION FOR FAMILIES 7 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday, Hina Mauka, Kane'ohe; helping families and close friends of the addicted to deal with addiction and recovery; $7 fee. 236-2600.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Waipahu, 7 p.m., Waipahu Cultural Garden Park.
CRIBBAGE GAMES 6:30 p.m., Honblue, 501 Sumner St., Suite 381; sponsored by North Shore Peggers, grassroots club of the American Cribbage Congress., 261-4468.
HULA CLASSES every Saturday, sponsored by Kalihi-Palama Culture & Arts Society: beginning keiki 9 to 10 a.m., keiki 10 to 11 a.m. and teens and adults 11 a.m. to noon, Kauluwela Recreational Park, near Liliha Street and Vineyard Boulevard; $10 per month. 521-6905.
JAPANESE CULTURAL CENTER OF HAWAI'I Celebration Leadership and Achievement Dinner, 5 p.m. Sept. 29, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom; honorees to include Jane Komeiji, Richard Kosaki, Margaret Oda, Dennis Ogawa, Island Insurance Company Ltd. and the Makiki Japanese Language School; silent auction; $150 fee, table sponsorships available; portion of proceeds tax deductible; proceeds to JCCH education programs. 945-7633,,