Got lights?
Untangle those strings of lights and dust off the mechanical Christmas characters — the holidays are here and it's time to work on those festive home displays for all to see. From electric icicles hanging 'round carports to shaka-flashing Santas, such displays have become a holiday tradition in the Islands.
Each year, The Advertiser publishes a listing of many of these exhibits. This year's guide will appear in the Island Life section. If you plan a home lighting exhibit, get the following information to us by Nov. 26 and we'll include it in the guide.
Send your name, phone number, address and a description of the display to: Christmas Lights, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Lights" in the subject line; or fax to 525-8055. We also welcome photos of your displays, which may appear in print or online; sorry, but photos won't be returned.
Reach Zenaida Serrano at