Posted on: Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Don't fool with these storylines
Ferd Lewis
Advertiser Columnist
Chances are you just might be the target of an April Fool's Day setup today if ...
June Jones says he'll be dropping off a check for $400,008 — plus interest — at UH this morning.
Barry Bonds fesses up to taking a whole boatload of performance enhancing products.
"Damn right it is all about the money, every last dime," the next multi-millionaire sports star acknowledges at the contract signing.
The University of Florida says it wants to buy its way out of the Aug. 30 football season opener with UH.
UH announces it has searched the seat cushions across campus and come up with enough to balance the athletic department budget for next year.
Boise State reveals plans to re-do its turf in green in time for 2008 football season.
Tadd Fujikawa announces plans to give up golf for pro beach volleyball.
Baghdad puts in a bid to host the Olympic Games.
Jim Donovan announces UH will be adding men's ice hockey.
Mark Cuban is named head of NBA officials.
The Hula Bowl returns and announces a sellout.
The NCAA Selection Committee honors Billy Packer.
Southern Methodist University adopts a new nickname and colors for its football team, calls UH for "eo na toa, eo na toa e" remnants.
Pacman Jones is announced as NFL Man of the Year.
Don Imus is selected to do the next NCAA Women's National Championship game on radio.
NCAA said it will award Colt Brennan a sixth year. announces Rick Neuheisel has won its NCAA Basketball Tournament pool.
Derrick Low signs an endorsement deal with Super Cuts.
Tiger Woods announces plans to play in the Sony Open in Hawai'i.
ESPN GameDay announces it is coming to Aloha Stadium to do the UH-Weber State football game.
Vince Goo claims he's throwing away his golf clubs to follow basketball coach Tony Sellitto out of retirement.
The Pan-Pacific Championships announces a 10-year return of soccer to Aloha Stadium.
Greg McMackin tenders — and Craig James accepts — an offer to help coach the UH defense in the spring game.
Tim Tebow admits, "You got me, I'm a system quarterback."
Reach Ferd Lewis at or 525-8044.