Aug. 21 � Voter registration deadline for primary election Sept. 8-18 � Walk-in absentee voting sites open for primary election Sept. 13 � Deadline to submit application for mail-in absentee ballot for primary election Sept. 20 � Primary election Oct. 6 � Voter registration deadline for general election Oct. 21-Nov. 1 � Walk-in absentee voting sites open for general election Oct. 28 � Deadline to submit application for mail-in absentee ballot for primary election Nov. 4 � General election Voter registrationYou are eligible to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, a Hawai'i resident and at least 18 years old. Registered voters need to re-register if they have moved or changed their name since the last election. Otherwise, they don't need to re-register. Registration forms may be downloaded from http://hawaii.gov/elections/voters/registration.htm Forms also also available at public libraries, satellite city halls, post offices and in telephone directories. Register by Aug. 21 for the primary election and Oct. 6 for the general election. More informationContact state or county elections officials: http://hawaii.gov/elections State Office of Elections: 453-8683 City and County of Honolulu: 768-3800 Hawai'i County: 961-8277 Maui County: 270-7749 Kaua'i County: 241-6350