Community calendar
BRAIN INJURY LECTURE by Dr. Pamela Klonoff, clinical director, Center for Transitional Neurorehabilitation, 6 p.m., Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Wo 2 conference room; learn what to expect post-injury and how to best offer support; free. 531-3511.
LEGAL RESEARCH SEMINAR, how to do legal research on the Internet, sponsored by the state judiciary, noon to 1 p.m., Supreme Court conference room; free. 539-4909.
LEGAL LINE HOTLINE, call 6 to 7 p.m. to speak with an attorney at no charge, 537-1868; call 537-9140 for free referrals (; sponsored by state Bar Association.
MAKAUA STREAM PUBLIC MEETING, by state Department of Land and Natural Resources, about Makaua Stream's restoration and debris removal project, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Ka'a'awa Elementary School cafeteria. 587-0320.