Nominations sought for outstanding volunteers
The Maui County Department of Housing and Human Concerns' Volunteer Center is seeking nominations of people who provided outstanding volunteer service in 2008.
Awards will be presented in four categories: youth (kindergarten through grade 12; young adult (ages 19 to 25); adult (ages 26 to 59) and senior (age 60 and older). One winner and two runners-up in each category will be honored at the Second Annual "Join Hands" Volunteer Fair on May 9 at Queen Ka'ahumanu Center.
The recognition program is being held in conjunction with National Volunteer Week, April 19 to 25.
Nomination applications must be postmarked by 4 p.m. March 2 and should be mailed to the County of Maui, Department of Housing and Human Concerns, Volunteer Center, 200 S. High St., Wailuku, HI 96793. Applications and guidelines are available at www.mauicounty.gov/volunteercenter or at the Volunteer Center, located at One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Suite 601, Wailuku.