County water, sewer, trash fees going up as of today
Water, sewer and trash collection fees in Maui County are going up with today's start of the fiscal year.
Water rates are increasing by an average of 8.5 percent, and sewer rates charged by the Department of Environmental Management are up an average of 10 percent.
The Department of Water Supply said water rate increases are expected to generate approximately $3.9 million in additional revenue that will be used to offset increases in the agency's electrical expenses, debt service, and operations and maintenance expenditures. The balance of additional revenues will be used to fund capital replacement projects.
Maui and Moloka'i residents will pay $18 per month for residential trash pickup (up from $14) and Lana'i residents will pay $9 per month (up from $7). Bills for the upcoming six-month billing period are expected to be mailed in the next two weeks.