Meeting tomorrow updates public on highway projects
The state Department of Transportation will hold a public informational meeting to discuss highway projects that affect the 'Ewa, Waipahu and Kunia communities at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at Holomua Elementary School, 91-1561 Keanui Drive.
Representatives from the DOT Highways Division will provide updates on ongoing projects, present information on new projects, and accept input from the public.
Projects that will be discussed include: Fort Weaver Road widening; North-South Road Phases IB and IC; Kapolei Interchange; Fort Weaver restriping over Farrington Highway; H-1 restriping over the Kunia Interchange; H-1 afternoon contraflow lane; and H-1 east-bound widening at the Middle Street merge to Vineyard Boulevard.
For information, contact Jiro Sumada, Highways Division deputy director, at 587-2156 or