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The Honolulu Advertiser
Updated at 4:50 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TV art director, Carl Sagan collaborator to talk at KCC Monday

Advertiser staff

Kapi'olani Community College has announced a new arts lecture, "My Work with Carl Sagan," by Jon Lomberg, Monday, March 30, 3 –4 p.m. in OHIA room 118 at KCC.

Lomberg, responsible for art-directing the opening sequence in the film "Contact," will discuss his 25-year collaboration with Carl Sagan. Lomberg's work with Sagan includes the TV series "Cosmos," the film "Contact," and NASA's legendary Voyager Golden Record. He is an Emmy award-winning television art director and Smithsonian institution muralist. A Q&A will follow.

Lectures are FREE and open to the public.